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【专业介绍】酒店管理(中外合作办学) 120902H


【专业介绍】酒店管理(中外合作办学) 120902H



发布: 2019-08-28

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  Hospitality Management (Sino-foreign cooperative education) 120902H


  [Cooperative School] MODUL University Vienna

  【双学位班】 Double Degree


  Domestic: Undergraduate Certificate for regular higher education, Certificate of Bachelor’s Degree, Nanjing TECH University Pujiang Institute


  Global: Bachelor of Business Administration in Tourism and Hospitality Management, MODUL University Vienna

  【AQ评审】Agency for Quality Assurance and Evaluation Review


  The major of Hospitality Management (Sino-foreign cooperative education) has received the evaluation of AQ.

  The AQ review is the abbreviation of higher education supervision and certification body international third party; and the evaluation has been made on the Sino foreign cooperation in running colleges, so that the teaching quality can be maintained in the unified European standards. The diplomas issued by the college that pass the reviews are the "green channel" for employment and graduate students in all countries in Europe".

  【培养目标】 Education objective


  The major is set to cultivate international and application-oriented operation and management talents with international perspective, humanistic quality, innovation consciousness and certain ability in research, who are able to develop sustainably in accordance with the education philosophy of being “international and application-oriented”.

  【培养模式】 Education mode


  This is the only domestic undergraduate higher education institution which cooperates with Austrian MODUL University Vienna in delivering Hospitality and Dietary Arts courses. It adopts “4+0” education pattern with length of 4 years of schooling. Study in China while following international course standard, excellent teachers from both sides and teaching in English. In the first school year, Chinese teachers will teach in a bilingual manner. In the second school year, students must pass English proficiency test and turn to a phase of international courses with major courses taught by foreign teachers. Students who succeed in academics will obtain the graduation certificates and degree certificates of our college, as well as the Certificate for Bachelor’s Degree of MODUL University Vienna at the same time (this certificate is basically the same as that for its local students).

  【就业方向】 Career direction


  Be competent and qualified for key positions and management positions of high-end domestic and international hotel group, consultative management company, luxury retail industry, exhibition and project management and the likes of enterprises. It is also available to apply for further study for master degree in the headquarters of MODUL University Vienna.

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